Monday, October 18, 2010

Movie's Night

Yesterday I went with Hubby and some friends to watch "The Social Network". I must say I had very low expectations, because I wasn't interested in how Facebook was created.
However, the movie was very interesting. First of all, the guy who played the principal role - Mark - acted brilliantly. I was lead to think that Mark has some variant of Asperguer's syndrome - he's so brilliant, and at the same time, so socially inept. The way he speaks and interacts with people is bound to alienate them.
The story unfolds while Mark sits through 2 law suits against him: one is lead by Cameron and Tyler W., who said come up with the idea first; the second is lead by his former best friend and business partner, Eduardo, who was cheated out of his share of Facebook stocks.
The story is entertaining. Justin Timberlake plays the role of Sean, the founder of Napster, who teams up with Mark to promote Facebook, and he also blew me away.

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