Friday, July 30, 2010

Resuming my task

Today I realized that I haven't posted in a long long time, and set about to rectify it. I know nobody reads my entries, but I like to write anyway.
After Elie Wiesel's book I changed subjects to something a little bit more cheerful and fell into the realm of romance (once again).
I was ecstatic when I found "The Bodyguard", by Joan Johnston, because I had read the sequel "The Bridegroom" a long time ago and couldn't find this book. I can only say that the Duke of Blackmore is to die for. Such a nice guy! And it's the first book with an amnesia plot that I actually liked.
Then, I finished listening to an audiobook, "This Charming Man", by Marian Keyes. This is one of my fav books by her, and the girl who read it was charming. I particularly liked the voice she did for Lola.
The last book I finished - actually yesterday - was "Julie and Julia" (no wonder I remembered my own blog). I tried to find hers, but the project is closed, and even though you can get access to the blog entries, it's kind of complicated and slow. She has a new blog, though, if anyone's interested.
Oh, and today I saw one of Julia Child's cooking shows in the Cooking Channel, and I found her very funny. It doesn't matter if you make a mess or things are less than perfect, because only you know what happens in your kitchen (unless you're on national TV).

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